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saeJ1199l J1199-2001

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saeJ1199l J1199-2001

400 Commonwealth Onve, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
Issued  1978-02
Revised  2001  -03
This document is mtmlled. All  holders must be
listed  in  the External Standards Database  to
ensure wmpliance.  It  is  important  that  it  isnot
redistributed  or reproduced.  If  additions[ copies
Submitted  for recognition as an American National  Standard
Superseding  Jll99 DECl996
areneeddl  they must beobtained  by submitting
a  request  through  the External  Standards
Fy  VEHICLE  Database  located on  Lotus Notes.  e,
Mechanical and Material Requirements  for Metric
Externally Threaded Steel Fasteners
Products included  are bolts, screws, studs, U-bolts, preassembled screw and washer assemblies  (sems), and
products manufactured  the same as sems except without washer.
Products not covered are  tapping screws, thread-rolling screws,  and  self-drilling screws. Mechanical and
material requirements for these products are covered in other SAE documents.
The term stud as referred  to herein, applies to a cylindrical rod of moderate length, threaded on either one or
both ends or throughout its entire length.  It does not apply to headed, collared, or similar products which are
more closely characterized by requirements shown herein  for bolts.
For specification purposes, this document treats U-bolts as studs.  Thus, wherever  the word studs appears,
U-bolts  is also  implied. U-bolts covered by this document are those used primarily in the suspension and
related areas  of  vehicles.  (Designers should recognize that  the  U  configuration may not  sustain a  load
equivalent to  two  bolts or  studs of  the same size and grade;  thus actual load-carrying capacity of  U-bolts
should be determined  by saddle load  tests.)
Applicable Publications--The following publications form a part of  this specification to  the extent specified
herein.  Unless otherwise indicated,  the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1.1  SAE PUBL~CAT~ONS-Available  from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA  15096-0001
SAE J121  M-Decarburization  in Hardened and Tempered Metric Threaded Fasteners
SAE J123--Surface  Discontinuities on Bolts, Screws, and Studs in Fatigue Applications
SAE J429--Mechanical  and Material Requirements for Externally ~hre&ed  Fasteners
SAE J1061-Surface  Discontinuities on General Application Bolts, Screws, and Studs
SAE  Technical  Standards Board Rules  provide  that: This report  is published  by SAE  to a&ance  the  state of technical and engineering  sciences. The use  of  this report  is entirely
vduntav. and its applicability and suitability  for any pamcular use, including  any patem  infringeme* arising  Iherefmm. is  the soie responsibility  d  the user."
SAE reviews each  technical repon  at lean evely Le  years at which  time it may be reaffirmed,  revised, or cancelled. SAE Wiles your wlmen comments and suggestions.
TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:  (724) 77-70  FAX:  (724)  77-0
SAE WEB ADDRESS  httpJ/www.sae.org
Copyright 2001 Soctety of Ammotive Engineers.  Inc.
All rights reserved.  Printed ~n  U.S.A. SAE J1199  Revised MAR2001
2.1.2  ASTM PUBLICAT~ON+AV~~~~~~~  from ASTM,  100 Barr Hahor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA  19428-2959.
ASTM A 307--Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 psi Tensile
ASTM A 354--Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally
Threaded ~asteners
ASTM A 449-Specification  for Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs
ASTM F  606M-Standard  Test  Methods  for Determining the Mechanical Properties of  Externally and
Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, and Rivets
2.1.3  ASME PUBLICATION-AV~~I~~I~  from ASME, 345 East 47 Street, New York, NY 10017-2330.
3.  Designations
3.1  Property classes are designated by numbers where increasing numbers generally represent  increasing tensile
strengths. The designation symbol consists of two parts:
a.  The first numeral of a two-digit symbol or the first two numerals of a three-digit symbol approximates
11100 of the minimum  tensile strength  in MPa.
b.  The last numeral approximates 7/10 of the ratio expressed as a percentage between minimum yield
stress and minimum tensile stress.
3.2  For specification  purposes (on engineering drawings, purchase orders, etc.) all property class designations are
used in combination with a single basic specification number as follows:
SAE J1199 (4.6)
SAE J1199 (4.8)
SAE J1199 (5.8)
SAE J1199 (8.8)
SAE J1199 (9.8)
SAE J1199 (10.9)
3.3  Property Classes
3.3.1  Machine screws are normally available only  in classes 4.8  and 9.8;  other  bolts, screws, and studs are
available in all classes within the specified product size limitations given in Tables 1A and 16.
3.3.2  Screw and washer assemblies (sems) are covered by classes 4.8  and 9.8  and allowable deviations from
normal 9.8 requirements  are stated in  footnotes throughout the document.
3.3.3  At the option of the manufacturer, class 5.8 may be supplied with either class 4.6 or 4.8  isordered, and class
4.8 may be supplied when class 4.6  is ordered.
3.4  Conversion Guidance
3.4.1  For guidance purposes only, to assist designers in selecting a property Class:
a.  Class 4.6  is approximately equivalent to SAE J429, Grade 1 and ASTM A 307, Grade A.
b.  Class 5.8  is approximately equivalent to SAE J429, Grade 2.
c.  Class 8.8  is approximately equivalent to SAE J429, Grade 5, and ASTM A 449.
d.  Class 9.8 has properties approximately 9% stronger than SAE J429, Grade 5, and ASTM A 449.
e.  Class 10.9 is approximately equivalent to SAE J429, Grade 8, and ASTM A 354, Grade BD. SAE 51  199 Revised MAR2001
Machined  Test  Machined  Test  Machined  Test
Specimens of  specimens of  Machined  Test Specimens of
Full Size Bolts,  Full Size Bolts,  Bolts, Screws, Bolts, Screws, and  Specimens of  Bolts, Screws, and
Screws, and  Screws, and  and Studs (Sizes  Studs(Sizes Larger  Bolts, Screws,  Studs (Sizes
Studs  Studs  Larger  than M24)  Than M24)  and Studs  (Sizes  Larger  than M24)
Proof Load  Tensile Strength  Yleld Strength  Tensile Strength  Larger Than M24)  Reduction of Area
"ropetiy  Nominal (Stress)  (Stress) Min  (Stress)  in(*)  (Stress) Min  Elongation Min  Min
Class  Dia  MP~(')  MP~(')  MPa  MPa  %  %
4.6  M5 thru M36  225  400  240t3)  400  22  35
4.8  M1.6 thru MI6  310  420  -  -  -  -
5.8  M5  th~  ~24~~)  380  520  -  -  -  -
8.8  M17  thru M36  600  830  660  830  12  35
9.8  Ml.6  thru  650  900  -  -  -  -
10.9  M6 thru M36  830  1040  940  1040  9  35
1.  Proof  load and tensile strength values for full size products of each property class are given in Table 5.
2.  Meld strength  is stress at which a permanent set of 0.2%  of gage length occurs
3.  Yield point  shall apply instead of yield strength at 0.2% offset  for class 4.6  products.
4.  Class 5.8  requirements apply  to bolts  and screws with lengths 150 mm and shorter, and  to studs of all lengths.
5.  For class 9.8 screw and washer assemblies (sems). base metal hardness may be 25-40  HRC (270-390 HV) and surface hardness  shall
not exceed60 HR3ON.  This requirement applicable also  to products manufactured same as sems except without washer, sizes MI  .6 thru
Ml2.  ;
Hardness  Product  Product  Product  Product
Rockwell  Hardness  Hardness  Hardness  Hardness
Prooem  Nominal  30N  Rockwell  Rockwell  Vickers  Vickers  7.
Class  Dia  Max   in(')  Max   in")  Max
4.6  M5  thru M36  -  867  887  120  180
4.8  M1.6 thru M16  -  871  887  130  180
5.8  M5 thru ~24(~)  -  882  895  160  220
8.8  MI7  thru M36  (31  C23  C34  254  336
9.8  MI  .6 thru ~16")  (3)  C27  C36  279  354
10.9  M6  thru M36  (3)  C33  C39  327  382
1.  Minimum hardness requirement  is waived if minimum  tensile strenqth is met.
2.  Class 5.8  requirementi  apply  to bolts and screws with lengths 150mm and shorter, and to studs of all lengths.
3.  Surface hardness shall not exceed base metal hardness bv more than 2 Doints  lRockwell  C eouivalent). and in  the case of class 10.9
shall also not exceed 59 HR3ON.
4.  For class 9.8 screw and washer assemblies  (sems). base metal hardness may be  25-40 HRC (270-390  HV) and surface hardness shall
not exceed 60 HRBON.  This requirement applicable also to products manufactured same as sems except without washer, sizes M1.6
MN  M12.
3.4.2  Note  that  class 8.8  is applicable to sizes  above  16 mm, and class 9.8  is applicable  to sizes  16  rnm and
smaller. SAE 51  199 Revised MAR2001
4.  Materials and Processes
4.1  Steel Characteristics-Bolts,  screws,  and studs shall be made of  steel conforming g to the description and
chemical composition requirements  specified  in Table 2 for the applicable property class.
4.6 and 4.8  Manufacturer's Optiorr
Low or medium carbon steels (for  all  sizes), within  following limls: C  0.55 max. P  0.048 max. S 0.058 max
5.8  Manufacturer's Oplio*
Law or medium carbon steels (for all sizes). within fallowing  limits:  C  0.13 to 0.55, P  0.048 max. S  0.058 max
For studs only. sultur Contern may be 0.33 max
8.8  Manufanurefs Option--
Medium  carbon  steels (for all  sizes). within following  limits:  C  0.28  to 0.55.  P  0.048 max. S  0.058 max
For studs only, sulfur contern may be 0.13 max
Medium carbon alloy steels (for  sizes over M24). within following  limits: C  0.28  to 0.55, P 0040 max. S  0.045 max
When Authonized  by Purchaser-
Low carbon martensile  steels (for sizes  thw M20). within following  limits: C  015  to 0.27, Mn  0.74 to 1  .&.
P  0.038 ma. S  0.048 max. B 0.0005 to 0.0031')
Medium  carbon boron  steels  (for sbes  through M24). within  following limits: C  0.25 to 0.40, Mn 0.74 min.
P 0.048 max. s 0.058 max.  B 0.0~5  to 0.0031')
9.8  Medium carbon steels (for all  sizes), within  following limill:  C  0.28 to 0.55.  P  0.048  max, S  0.058 max
For shlds only, sultur content may be 0.13 max
For screw end washer assemblies  (sems) end  fqr produrn manukclured  same as sems except withan washer. sizes  thru Mi2  only.
carbon content may be 0.15  to 0.40.  See nde 2.  Table 6.
When Authmized by Punhaser-
Low carbon marlensile  steels (for sizes  Ihw M20). wimin  following limits:  C  0.15  to 0.27. Mn  0.74 to 1.46.
P  0.038 max, S 0.048 ma. B 0.0005 to 0.~31')
Medium  calbon boron steels (for sires  Ihw M24). vimin following  limb:  C  0.25 lo  0.40, Mn  0.74 min. P  0.048 max. S  0.058 ma.
B  0.0005 to 0.003(')
10.9  Manufacturer's Optiorr
Medium  carbrm alloy steels (for all  sizes), within Mlowing  limits: C 0.28 to 0.55. P  0.040 max. S  0.045 max
Fine grain
Hardenabilwi  47  min H,RC(~)
SAE 1541  or SAE 154IH  (forsizes  th~  M12)
Fine grain
When Amonzed by Puffihaser-
Carbon steels (for sizes  I~N  M20); Fine grain
Low carbon martensile  steels (for  sizes  thru MZO), within the following limits:  C  0.15  to 0.27. Mn  0.74 lo  1.46.  P 0.038 max. S
0.048 max. B 0.0005 to 0.003")
HardenabiMy-40 min HRCI~I
Medium carbon boron  steels (for sizes Ihw M24), within following  limits: C  0.25  to 0.40. Mn 0.74 min. P  0.048 max. S  0.058 max.
B  0.0005 to 0.003~'~
Hardenability47 min HRC(')
1  Prcducts made from  low calbobon manensile  steels and medium  calbon boron steels shall be identified  as specified  in Table 6. nde 1.
2.  Steels shall have hardenability  that is  capable  of producing  the minimum  hardness (RakwJI  C)  shown atthe  center of a  transverse section one
nominal diameter Ifom  the  threaded end of bd,  screw, or stud  (aHer quenching).
3.2  Heading Practice
1.2.1  Methods other than upsetting  andlor extrusion are permitted only by special agreement between purchaser
and manufacturer.
1.2.2  Class 4.6  may be hot or cold headed at option of the manufacturer.
1.2.3  Class 4.8,  5.8,  8.8,  9.8,  and 10.9 bolts and screws in sizes up to M20 inclusive, and lengths up to 10  times
the nominal product size or 150 mm, whichever  is shorter, shall be cold headed, except that they may be hot
headed by special agreement of the purchaser. Larger sizes and longer lengths may be cold or hot headed


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